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Please fill in the form below to open a new ticket.
What is your @ on the MDC DSA slack?
Please provide an estimate or range if you do not know an exact number.
Short description of what the members will be doing
Requester should list the skills that they want the mobilized members to have. Requester should use the list here for reference as to what "skills" are applicable:
Requester should state whether or not they would like to speak with potential volunteers to ensure that they are a good fit for the team. This is required for all Stewardship and Team Lead positions within Adcom.
Requester should state how long the position(s) will be needed (ex: 1 week, 3 months, indefinitely)
Any volunteer who will require credenitals to MDCDSA systems (ex. Action Network, social media accounts, Red Desk Agent), is required to be vetted by the Chapter's Operational Security Team.
Requester should enter the date by which they would the members to be mobilized
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