Frequently Asked Question

- Which "help topic" should I choose?
Last Updated a year ago

Action Network

Action Network / Data Import

This is for submitting data that needs to be uploaded to Action Network. For example, when activist and/or member data is collected at a live event, this should then be submitted to Action Network so that all activist & member data is in one place: Action Network!

Action Network / Fillable Form

If you need a fillable form such as, use this help topic to request one from Action Network. This is greatly preferred over using Google Forms as we are able to query and track activist engagement in Action Network.

Action Network / Letter Campaign or Petition

Use this help topic if you want to create a petition and gather online signatures, or if you want to launch a letter writing campaign (such as emails to an elected official).

Action Network / Other

This topic can be used for any other requests for Action Network that might not fit under the other categories. Examples include, creating fundraisers, pulling member data for texting lists, or requesting training sessions on using Action Network.

Agenda Items

Agenda Item / General Body Meeting

Use this help topic to request floor time at an upcoming General Body Meeting.

Note: there is a separate help topic for requesting a resolution to be put to vote.

Agenda Item / Steering Meeting

Use this help topic to request floor time at an upcoming Steering Meeting.

Agenda Item / Submit Member Statement

Members should use this help topic to submit statements on resolutions that are going to be voted on by the chapter. Member Statements will be posted on the member portal at under the relevant resolution, and will be linked in the text of the OpaVote prompt sent to all chapter members.

Agenda Item / Submit Resolution

Use this help topic to submit a resolution to the Steering Committee for consideration. If the Steering Committee approves the resolution submission, the resolution will go to a vote by the chapter membership at a general body meeting (GBM).

Comms Requests

Comms Request / Email

This topic is for requesting a mass email, such as a chapter-wide email to all members and supporters, or a targeted subset of recipients. Email requests must be made 72 hours in advance. This request is subject to approval by the chapter secretary. If the email request is not approved, the secretary will respond with an explanation for the rejection. Before requesting a mass email, we strongly encourage you to consider the following:

* If mass emails are over-used, this may lead to all emails being flagged by service providers as "promotions" or "spam", or lead to high rates of un-subscriptions. We have emails that go out on a regular basis, such as the Weekly Update and reminders about General Body meetings that must be weighed against additional email requests. For this reason not all requests are approved.
* Considering adding your event/update to the Weekly Update instead. The Update goes out to the entire email list every Friday and has the highest engagement rate of anything we publish as a chapter (including emails, social media, press releases, etc). You can submit to the update by using the "Comms Request / Weekly Update" help topic on Red Desk
* Fine tune your list. The smaller your target list of people you want to reach, the easier it will be to approve. We have many options for how we can focus your list, such as members vs. supporters, members who have expressed interest in a specific issue or campaign (such as housing justice, labor, etc), or those who attended specific events within a specific period of time. If your list includes less than 500 people, we can approve your request much easier.
* If you have questions, or would like assistance in fine tuning your request before submitting, please feel free to visit the #helpdesk channel on the chapter slack. For more information on how emails work via Action Network, watch the tutorial.

Comms Request / Graphic Design Request

Use this topic to request digital graphics to promote an event or initiative; this can include different formats to be posted in emails, web pages, and/or social media.

Comms Request / Mass Text

This topic is for requesting access to Spoke (a mass texting tool), which is available to all working groups and caucuses pending approval from the Spoke Approval Team (Chapter Secretary, AdCom Steward, or Operations Dept Steward) per the chapter Mass Communications Policy. Spoke access is granted for a finite interval of time for a given texting campaign. Please find more information about the chapters Mass Texting policies and Spoke use here: MDC DSA Mass Text Request Guide If the mass text request is not approved, the Spoke Approval team responds with an explanation for the rejection.

Comms Request / Primary Website Edit

This topic is for requesting new pages to be added to, or editing/updating any existing pages, including the chapter calendar.

Comms Request / Primary Website Edit / Short Link

Request a short URL on These short URLs can redirect to our website, google drive, a social media post, or any other URL-addressable location on the web. A QR code can also be generated this way. Advantages of this approach over public URL shorteners (such as Bitly or TinyURL):
1. Phone companies will block text messages that contain links using public URL shorteners. This has been happening to us (confirmed by Twilio CSR) and is expected to happen more often in the future.
2. The short URL will always start with, so recipients can see it's us, even before opening.
3. The rest of the URL is chosen by you, and you'll actually get your choice - you won't have to add extra letters to make it unique among millions of previously-claimed short URLs. It will be easy to memorize, and confusing it with another shortened URL will be unlikely.
4. Our short URLs will never be used to run paid advertisements.

Comms Request / Social Media

This is for requesting posts to the chapter Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Members should provide the team with graphics (requested using Comms Request / Graphic Design Request) and/or event details & links (requested using Events Request / Create New Event) to promote their event/initiative across MDC DSA's social media accounts, including:


Once the social media post has been made (or if you have a social media post from your personal account you would like promoted by chapter members), you can link it in the slack channel #social-media-requests for chapter members to retweet/repost from their personal accounts for further visibility/promotion.

For a full list of chapter-affiliated twitter and instagram accounts, see for reference. For the most part, these are not available through the Red Desk Social Media help topic.

Comms Request / Weekly Update

This topic is for submitting items to be included in the chapter’s weekly email updates which are sent out to all chapter members and supporters (also published at Typical items include announcements of events or initiatives, and formations of new working groups or caucuses within the chapter.

Comms Request / YouTube

For submitting videos to add to [the chapter's youtube channel](

Event Requests

Event Request / Create New Event

Chapter members should use this help topic when they want to schedule or promote an event. Once a "Create New Event" ticket is submitted, the Events team creates the Action Network event page and the Zoom room (if the event is digital). Facebook and MeetUp pages for the event are also generated if requested (which will include the AN event link). The event also appears on the Events Calendar unless otherwise specified.

Event Request / Event Gear

This topic is solely for acquiring the gear associated with direct action events (also referred to as "chapter assets"). This ticket is typically for requesting the gear for an action without creating a public event & announcements about the action, so it is used for more sensitive actions with higher risk levels.

Event Request / Red Rabbit Direct Action Marshal

Used to request Red Rabbit staffing for direct action support (separate from gear request).


Finance / Funding Request

This topic is for requesting funding or reimbursements.


Mobilization / Mobilization Request

Committees, Teams, Working Groups, Caucuses, and Branches submit Mobilization Requests when volunteers are needed; volunteers are identified by searching responses to the skills/interest survey


Onboarding / New Member

This topic is for new members to use (typically after they have attended a New Member Orientation event) to request information and access to the chapter Slack.

Onboarding / Permissions

This is for granting log-in permissions, administrative rights, or other credentials across the various chapter platforms (including Action Network, WordPress, Red Desk, Twitter, etc.) to a member AFTER they have been vetted. In addition to the platform(s), please note any relevant roles or credentials. If the member has not yet been vetted, you can either enter information in this ticket or submit a separate Onboarding / Vetting ticket.

Adcom stewards: please submit these yourself, do not have new adcom members request their own access.

Onboarding / Vetting

The topic is used to request vetting for members before they take on roles, or are assigned credentials & given access to any chapter systems. Please note any relevant roles, credentials, or systems in your request.

Adcom stewards: please submit these yourself, do not have new adcom members request their own access.


Registration / Caucus

This topic is for members to register chapter-level caucus formations.

Registration / Chapter Email Address

For chapter-level formations (branches, caucuses, working groups, and sections) to request the creation of an official chapter-affiliated email address, i.e.

Registration / Working Group

This topic is for members to register chapter-level working group formations.

General Support

Support / Add/Edit Red Desk Help Topic

For red desk agents who would like a help topic to be created, removed, or modified. Modifications can be to the text or questions on the form, the recipients of the help topic, or the title.

Support / General Inquiry

This topic can be used for any issues that don't seem to fall under the other ticket topics.

Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance / General Tech Inquiry

This topic is for chapter groups or members requesting technical solutions for challenges they have identified.

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